

 * Customise dimension of captcha image.
 * @typedef SetDimensionOption
 * @property {integer} [height=100] Height of captcha image.
 * @property {integer} [width=300] Width of captcha image.
exports.SetDimensionOption = {};

 * Captcha text options to customise text appearance and value.
 * @typedef SetCaptchaOptions
 * @property {integer} [characters=6] Length of captcha text.
 * @property {string} [text="Random UpperCase string"] Text of captcha
 * @property {hexCode} [color="#32cf7e"] Color of captcha text.
 * @property {font} [font="Sans"] Font of captcha text.
 * @property {boolean} [skew=true] Skew captcha text.
 * @property {array} [colors=[]] Array of hexCode will override color property.
 * @property {number} [rotate=5] Range of angle to rotate text.
 * @property {number} [size=40] Size of captcha text.
 * @property {float} [opacity=1] Opcaity of captcha text.
exports.SetCaptchaOptions = {};

 * @typedef SetTraceOptions
 * @property {hexCode} [color="#32cf7e"] Color of trace line.
 * @property {number} [size=3] Width of trace line.
 * @property {float} [opacity=1] Opacoty of trace line.
exports.SetTraceOptions = {};

 * @typedef SetDecoyOptions
 * @property {hexCode} [color="#646566"] Color of decoy characters.
 * @property {font} [font="Sans"] Font of decoy characters.
 * @property {number} [size=20] Size of decoy characters.
 * @property {float} [opacity=0.8] Opacity of decoy characters.
exports.SetDecoyOptions = {};

 * Default captcha customisation options.
 * @type {SetCaptchaOptions}
exports.defaultCaptchaOptions = {
	characters: 6,
	size: 40,
	font: 'Sans',
	skew: true,
	colors: [],
	rotate: 5,
	color: '#32cf7e',
	opacity: 0.8,

 * Default trace line options.
 * @type {SetTraceOptions}
exports.defaultTraceOptions = {
	size: 3,
	color: '#32cf7e',
	opacity: 1,

 * Default Decoy Options
 * @type {SetDecoyOptions}
exports.defaultDecoyOptions = {
	color: '#646566',
	font: 'Sans',
	size: 20,
	opacity: 0.8,